Sunday, June 13, 2010

Something to think about

When asked who he fears in this world cup, Maradona responded. "I don't fear anyone - unless he is wearing a mask." Two days into this year's Mundial, I now have a new favorite quote of all time. This also got me thinking what is that I fear. I live in Israel surrounded by hostile nations, who would like nothing more than to see the complete eradication of the Jewish nation. I don't speak the native tongue, I have no family here, only a handful of friends, and in two months I have to move out of my comfort zone on the Kibbutz and find a apartment and a job somewhere that isn't the Kibbutz. But like Maradona I like to say I don't fear anyone, unless he is wearing a mask. Of course in my case, if said someone is wearing a mask, there is a good chance they might be affiliated with Hamas or Hezbollah. I really don't know what the fuck Maradona is talking about.

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